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“Speed” is my word for 2025: How I’m Getting Comfortable with Taking Fast Action and Making More Mistakes

In business, the reward often goes to the person who acts fast . . . not the person with the best plan of execution or even the best idea.

5 Secrets to Start or Scale Your Business with a Digital Course

Do you ever sit at your day-job desk or wait in the carpool line for kids and think, "If I had just an extra $10K, I could . . . (fill in th...

Why Your Business Needs a Digital Course- And Mistakes to Avoid | Amy Porterfield & Annie Bauer


Have you been wanting to create an online course, but you're not sure how to get started or how to make it a successful, money-making str...

Easy & Fast Terms and Conditions for Website Pages--Protect Yourself


Is your website protecting you and is it legally legit?

Every website should have Terms and Conditions and a Privacy Policy, or TCPP, fo...

How to Build Landing Pages in Kajabi in Minutes (for real!)


Building a landing page for high conversions requires strategies that even some of the pros don’t use. 

And learning the tech on a platf...

Easy Privacy Policy for Websites: Don't Break the Law!


Did you know that if you don't have a legally correct privacy policy on your website and landing pages, you might be breaking the law?


Start Your Own Online Business . . . WITH NO MONEY!


So, you have a program or a course that you want to sell online, but you're  bootstrapping it and cash is tight because you're just getti...

What is High Performance Coaching?

 (updated March 3, 2025)

High Performance living is the ongoing feeling of full engagement, joy, and having more confidence in all areas of...




“Speed” is my word for 2025: How I’m Getting Comfortable with Takin...

5 Secrets to Start or Scale Your Business with a Digital Course

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